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New Frontiers Introduces Episode Featuring the Fly Little Bird Foundation Airing March 15th on Bloomberg: The content in the episode is a Planet TV Studios Original and it is brought to you by and sponsored by Planet TV Studios

Fly Little Bird Foundation

Fly Little Bird Foundation

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Planet TV Studios

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New Frontiers

Fly Little Bird Foundation

Fly Little Bird Foundation

Planet TV Studios proudly serves as the exclusive sponsor of the New Frontiers series. The Fly Little Bird Foundation in New Frontiers Episode on March 15th on Bloomberg.

With a focus on real-life challenges & the resilience of affected families, this episode of New Frontiers offers viewers a thoughtful look into the work being done by the Fly Little Bird Foundation.”
— Christian Alain, Executive Producer at Planet TV Studios

EXCELSIOR, MN, UNITED STATES, March 12, 2025 / -- Planet TV Studios is proud to announce the airing of the latest episode of its documentary series, New Frontiers, titled “Highlighting Emerging Technologies.” The program will debut on March 15 at 5:00 pm ET on Bloomberg Television.

This installment takes a closer look at the Fly Little Bird Foundation, a family-led nonprofit committed to advancing research and treatment for ultra-rare diseases, particularly those associated with TBL1XR1 gene variants. The episode examines the Foundation’s dedicated efforts to support individuals and families affected by conditions linked to intellectual and developmental disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, epilepsy, as well as heart, brain, and kidney defects.

In this segment, viewers will gain insight into the Foundation’s work through discussions with researchers, clinicians, and patient advocates, illustrating how families and experts come together in support of a cause that affects countless lives. The episode aims to inform the public about the challenges and progress in rare disease research, emphasizing the role of community and collaboration in addressing complex medical issues.

Adding a distinctive element to the program, Planet TV Studios welcomes back Gina Grad as host. A respected radio personality, author, and podcast host, Gina is widely recognized for her engaging presence on The Adam Carolla Show and her acclaimed children’s book, My Extra Mom. Her warm delivery and thoughtful storytelling promise to bring clarity and depth to the discussion, ensuring that viewers receive a comprehensive look at the Foundation’s efforts and the broader context of rare disease research.

“With a focus on real-life challenges and the resilience of affected families, this episode of New Frontiers offers viewers a thoughtful examination of the work being done by the Fly Little Bird Foundation,” said Christian Alain, Executive Producer at Planet TV Studios. “We are equally excited to have Gina Grad back with us, whose insightful narration and experience make her the perfect guide for this important conversation.”

For additional details on the Fly Little Bird Foundation and its initiatives, visit

Christian Kelch
Planet TV Studios
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