This is the moment a courageous cop put his life on the line to tackle a raging knifeman during a terrifying daylight arrest. 

Sergeant Jack Taylor was slashed across the wrist as he bravely battled with the armed attacker in the middle of the street, in Tower Hamlets, east London.  

He was part of a team responding to reports of a burglary and assault on a member of the public when he was confronted by the knifeman.

Dramatic body-worn camera footage shows the moment the Metropolitan Police officer leapt from his patrol car and charged the bearded attacker. 

The man, wearing a red and white jacket, can be seen furiously swiping at Sgt Taylor with the blade, during the heart-pounding encounter. 

At one point, the assailant lunges at the officer, slicing through Sgt Taylor's arm and leaving a two-inch cut across his wrist - narrowly missing his artery. 

Despite the injury, Sgt Taylor continues to try and apprehend the man, chasing him down the street as sirens from approaching police cars blare out. 

The knifeman - 35-year-old Ghasem Arabzadeh - was eventually captured after being surrounded by Met Police officers. He has since been sectioned.

Pictured is the moment Met Police Sergeant Jack Taylor was slashed on the wrist while tackling a knifeman in the middle of the street

Pictured is the moment Met Police Sergeant Jack Taylor was slashed on the wrist while tackling a knifeman in the middle of the street

Sgt Taylor had seconds to react as the man repeatedly lunged and swiped at him with the blade

Sgt Taylor had seconds to react as the man repeatedly lunged and swiped at him with the blade

The Met Police officer has since been awarded for his bravery following the incident in London

The Met Police officer has since been awarded for his bravery following the incident in London

Reflecting on the incident - which took place on May 23, 2023, Sgt Taylor said: 'I couldn't let him go on and harm anyone else.'

Describing the frantic encounter, the sergeant continued: 'As he slashed the knife up and down, he caught me on my left wrist and then ran off down the road. 

'I could see I had been cut but I knew if I stopped at that moment, it might give the suspect a chance to get away.

'We chased him down the road and could see he was heading towards a residential area. I knew my colleague, Ayan, was going round the other way so I put up over the radio, 'the man is armed with a knife and he is coming towards you'. 

'I was lucky as the knife just missed my artery - I came back to work the next day.'

Arabzadeh was caught after tossing his blade into a bush, having earlier shrugged off a taser shot from a female officer. 

Sgt Taylor was treated at the scene by officers for his knife wound.  

He has since received a Commissioner's Commendation for his courageous response. 

Arabzadeh, of no fixed addressed, was sentenced to a Section 37 Hospital Order at Snaresbrook Crown Court on January 7 after pleading guilty to actual bodily harm, the Met said. 

Pictured is the moment Sgt Taylor arrived at the scene where the knifeman was

Pictured is the moment Sgt Taylor arrived at the scene where the knifeman was 

Seconds later, the officer is out of the car and chasing the man down through Tower Hamlets

Seconds later, the officer is out of the car and chasing the man down through Tower Hamlets

Sgt Taylor added: 'I've been a police officer for six years, but this incident made me realise the seriousness of the incidents police face every day.

'I don't consider myself brave, but my colleagues are - they put themselves out there and deal with serious situations on a daily basis.'

The Metropolitan Police released footage of the incident on social media - although no details were given of when it happened and whether the man has been charged.  

However, Sgt Taylor's heroism in the video has since been praised online. 

'The bravery of our officers!!! Incredible work Sgt Taylor,' one person wrote on X, while another retired police officer added: 'Sergeant Jack Taylor is a hero.'

'This is very brave! Well done to Jack Taylor for showing true courage and protecting London,' said a third.

Reflecting on the incident, Sgt Taylor said: 'I couldn't let him go on and harm anyone else.'

Reflecting on the incident, Sgt Taylor said: 'I couldn't let him go on and harm anyone else.'

While a fourth, claiming to be a Chief Inspector in the Met, added: 'This is a reminder that there are 1,000s of cops out there every day putting themselves in harms way to keep people safe. For every bad story, you hear there are many more like this.'

In a statement to MailOnline, Detective Superintendent Vicky Tunstall, neighbourhood policing lead in Tower Hamlets said: 'Acting Police Sergeant Jack Taylor showed incredible courage to take on a knife-wielding offender without any consideration for himself, in order to save those around him.

'Without hesitation and with quick thinking, Jack jumped out of the car and put himself in harm's way, and if he hadn't, a member of the pubic could have been seriously harmed.

'This is the kind of bravery that is routinely undertaken each day by our police officers and demonstrates selflessness in order to protect our communities. 

'Myself and the team are immensely proud of Jack and he has been duly awarded with a Commissioner's Commendation to reflect this act of bravery.'

A spokesperson for the Mayor of London said: 'The Mayor commends the exceptional bravery of Sergeant Jack Taylor, who selflessly put his own safety on the line to protect others.

'Every day our brave police officers and emergency services run towards danger to keep us all safe and we are in their debt.'

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