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New Frontiers Announces Upcoming Episode Featuring Acromegaly Community Inc. Airing March 15th on Bloomberg. The content in the episode is a Planet TV Studios Original and it is brought to you by and sponsored by Planet TV Studios

Acromegaly Community

Planet TV Studios

New Frontiers

Acromegaly Community

Planet TV Studios proudly serves as the exclusive sponsor of the New Frontiers series. The Acromegaly Community Inc. in New Frontiers Episode on March 15th on Bloomberg.

GROVE, OK, UNITED STATES, March 13, 2025 / -- Planet TV Studios is set to air a moving new episode of New Frontiers on March 15 at 5:00 pm ET on Bloomberg Television. This latest installment, titled "Highlighting Emerging Technologies", will take an in-depth look at Acromegaly Community Inc., an organization dedicated to supporting individuals living with the rare hormonal disorder known as acromegaly.

Acromegaly Community Inc.: A Lifeline for Those Affected

Acromegaly is a rare condition caused by excessive growth hormone production, often due to a benign tumor on the pituitary gland. Symptoms range from enlarged hands and feet to joint pain and organ complications—challenges that can significantly affect a person’s daily life. Yet, due to its rarity, many patients struggle to find the information and support they need.

Acromegaly Community Inc. is changing that. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, the organization provides education, advocacy, and peer support to individuals diagnosed with acromegaly and their families. Through its online support groups, patient resources, and outreach programs, Acromegaly Community Inc. ensures that no one has to face this condition alone. By fostering a strong community and offering vital educational tools, the nonprofit works to bridge the gap between patients, healthcare professionals, and researchers in the field.

This upcoming New Frontiers episode will offer an inside look at the organization’s mission, featuring personal accounts from those affected by acromegaly and insights from medical professionals striving to improve patient outcomes.

Gina Grad Returns to Host

Guiding viewers through this powerful episode is Gina Grad, an acclaimed radio personality, author, and podcast host. Best known for her work on The Adam Carolla Show, Grad brings her signature blend of warmth and insight to New Frontiers.

Her ability to connect with people and tell their stories authentically makes her the ideal host for an episode tackling such a personal and complex topic. In addition to her broadcasting career, Grad is the author of My Extra Mom, a book that helps children and families navigate blended family dynamics. Her storytelling expertise and compassionate approach ensure that audiences will come away from this episode with a deeper understanding of acromegaly and the crucial role of patient support networks.

A Must-Watch for Healthcare Advocates and Patients Alike

This episode of New Frontiers is more than just a television feature—it’s an opportunity to shine a light on a rare disorder that often goes unnoticed. By bringing Acromegaly Community Inc.’s work to a national audience, Planet TV Studios aims to foster greater awareness and encourage vital conversations about rare disease advocacy.

Be sure to tune in on March 15 at 5:00 pm ET on Bloomberg Television to learn more about the individuals and organizations making a difference in the lives of those affected by acromegaly.

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Acromegaly Community Inc.:

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